Asset management
The Foundation was established in 1976 following the closure of the New Brunswick Protestant Orphans’ Home, and the remaining assets were transitioned into the Foundation’s care. Since that time, the focus has been on the responsible management of those assets to ensure the long-term viability of the Foundation itself.
The Foundation’s investments are held by Royal Trust and managed by Jarislowsky Fraser Limited, one of Canada’s largest and most successful investment management firms. Audited financial statements are prepared and presented to the Board of the Foundation annually. Total administrative costs are very low – 6% of the total revenue including investment management fees.
The New Brunswick Children’s Foundation awards grants to a number of qualified charitable organizations across the province each year on a quarterly basis.
Year after year, the Foundation supports organizations and charities that offer unique and innovative programs to the children and youth of this province. Whether it’s supporting recreation programs, education programs, or groups introducing new programs to enrich the lives of children in the province – the Foundation takes great care in ensuring that youth in this province are provided every opportunity to grow and succeed in their lives.
In order to be considered for a grant award, organizations must complete our application form.
Applications and a complete overview of the process can be found on our How to Apply page.
What we do

Help us enrich the lives of New Brunswick’s children
Who we support
Read some stories about groups we’ve supported in the past.
View our current grant list for the fiscal year April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024
We support a number of charities across New Brunswick – including youth groups, arts organizations, summer camps, the YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, milk funds. lunch programs and more.
Do you have a project you’d like to be considered for funding? Please visit our How to Apply page for more information.
How to donate
You can:
Donate by mail via cheque or money order
Donate in person at the Foundation office at 66 Waterloo Street, Suite 205, in Saint John
Donate online using our Canada Helps account by clicking the link above
Donate shares/stocks
Donate by bequest
Who can donate?
We welcome and accept donations from groups, individuals, and families.
Income tax receipts are provided for donations of $5 or more. Our registered charitable number is 10776-9093 RR0001.
How do donations of shares/stocks work?
Recent changes to the Income Tax Act enable the gift of securities to a registered charity with no tax on any related gain but with the full benefits of a charitable donation.
For example, Mrs. A, a resident of New Brunswick wishes to make a donation of $25,000 to the Foundation. She has held some bank shares for a number of years and the shares have a value of $25,000 and a cost of $5,000. Mrs. A planned to sell the shares and donate the proceeds. Below is a calculation that provides a more favourable tax position for Mrs. A by donating the shares to a registered charity.
Sell shares and donate cash:
Tax cost on gain: $ (4,415)
Tax saving with donation: $ 11,740
Net tax benefit: $ 7,325
Donate shares:
Tax cost on gain: $ 0
Tax saving with donation: $ 11,740
Net tax benefit: $ 11,740