The Foundation accepts applications for grants four times a year, see deadline dates below. Applicants must be a Federal Registered Charity or New Brunswick School to be considered. The application process takes approximately three months, grant award timelines as follows:
Our grant cycle
Application Deadline
December 1st
March 1st
June 1st
September 1st
Grant Awarded:
Want to apply for a grant from the NB Children’s Foundation? Here’s what you need to know:
All grants must assist children in New Brunswick who are 18 years and under. Children being assisted by a grant must come from low-income families and/or children with special needs. Your group must have a Federal Charitable Number or be a New Brunswick School in order to qualify for funding.
A maximum of 75% of your project’s/program’s total cost will be considered for a grant. The remaining 25% must be fundraised from non-government sources.
A complete application includes:
A clear/concise paragraph overview of the project description
Identification of objectives
Identification of number of staff required
Facilities required
Length of time the program has been in operation and its history
Contractor estimates, if applicable.
Your organization’s last annual meeting minutes
The most current monthly/quarterly financial statement
Recent Financial Audit
Current organizational budget
All applications must meet the following criteria:
Must include each item listed above.
Must be typed, single-sided on 8.5×11 paper
The applications must be completed in full – it is our only method of evaluation, without exception.
Provide all requested documents with the application. Should a document not be available (e.g. most recent audit), please include a note to that effect.
Two principal Officers from your organization must sign the application where indicated
The Foundation accepts only one application per the Foundation’s fiscal year. As an example, organizations may only apply for one grant between April 1st of the current year and March 31st of the following year.
Once the submission deadline is reached each quarter, our Executive Committee considers each application and then will submit the applications to the Board for consideration. The Board considers all applications on their own merit, and does not conduct interviews/presentations.
All applicants will be advised of the Board’s decision regarding their application, without explanation, during the last week of the award month.
Application guidelines
Grant application form
If your organization meets these guidelines, you can download the application.
Once completed, please mail or email the application to info@nbchildren.com together with any supporting documentation or appendix to:
New Brunswick Children’s Foundation
643 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John, NB E2N 2G9
Members of Provincial or Municipal government organizations seeking to have an application considered must accompany the application with a letter of approval from the Provincial or Municipal Executive responsible for the department.
To discuss your organization’s project/program, you may contact our Executive Assistant via email at info@nbchildren.com or by phone at 506-635-1260.