Executive Assistant: Ms. Stacey Richards
Board of Directors:
President: Mr. David Hayward
Vice President: Mr. James O’Connell
Past President: Mrs. Marilyn Lester
Secretary: TBA
Asst. Secretary: Mrs. Brenda Allen
Treasurer: Mr. Jonathan Calabrese
Assistant Treasurer: Mr. Blair MacDonald
Regional Directors:
Region One (Albert, Westmorland, and Kent Counties)
Mr. Michael Ivany
Ms. Kimberley Buck de Jesus
Region Two (Saint John, Kings, Charlotte, and Lower Queens Counties)
Mrs. Zoe Watson
Mr. Blair MacDonald
Mr. David Hayward
Mr. Jonathan Calabrese
Mrs. Marilyn Lester
Mr. James O’Connell
Mr. Stephen Smith
Mrs. Brenda Allen
Region Three (York, Sunbury, Carleton, Upper Queens, and Lower Victoria)
Ms. Jill Fox
Mr. Derrick Bishop
Region Four (Gloucester and Northumberland Counties)
Region Five (Madawaska and Restigouche Counties)
Mr. Allan Dickson